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Vermont Nursing Association (VNA) Trip-ai

Page history last edited by Ai Yoshida 11 years, 1 month ago



Vermont Nursing Association.  Adult Care Center.

Journal Entry: Talk about your visit to the VNA Center.  What did you do?  How did you feel about this situation for aging adults?  How does this type of care differ from Japan's?  Do you think the elders are happy there?  

 On August twenty-ninth in the afternoon  we visited  the VNA Center. We sang  "Under the spreading chestnut tree" with gestures both in English and in Japanese. It is Mother Goose. In Japan we sang this childhood song in Japanese because every Japanese knows it. We enjoyed talking with some people and eating ice cream.  I met a person who had written Snoopy's book and a person who was a teacher in Sri Lanka. I taught them about Japan ,for example, I talked about the Kimono and Yukata and so on. In the VNA Center everyone was so kind that I was glad.      














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