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IEP Class-Ai

Page history last edited by Ai Yoshida 11 years ago



Who did you meet in the IEP class? What did you learn from the IEP student? (Where are they from? What did you learn about their country?)

Describe below:

 This morning, I met several students in the IPE class.  I would like to talk about a man I  met. His name is Abdullah. He is from Saudi Arabia and he has been at SMC almost two years.  In his home country, Saudi Arabia, there is Mecca , which is an important place for the Muslims.  In this country a man can have many wives, and men and women's school are separated because of their religion.  Their country has only two seasons, summer and winter. On the other hand, Japan has four seasons.  


How was your debate with the IEP students on the topic of using social media in the classroom?

What was your opinion before the debate? Has your opinion changed or remained the same?


Last week, we debated with the IEP students on the topic of using social media in the classroom. It was difficult for me to debate in English. First I agreed with using social media in the classroom, but I could not disagree with anything. I thought I need more studying speaking English. 

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